
Showing posts from September, 2019

Not Just Airports Could Float

Here my story begins to address the housing of all the survivors of the catastrophic sea-level rise, left floating in massive rafts of boats, barges, etc. around the floating airports.  Of course, my stories are SciFi so I make use of extensive developments in bioengineering.  When you're floating miles above mineral deposits, surrounded by ocean, you have to make do with what is available.  So I use bioengineering that makes use of bioengineered oceanic life forms that can create by combining energy from sunlight and extracted, biologically from seawater, the raw materials to construct floating island habitats, which the inhabitants live on and beneath create aquaculture farms as a means of sustenance and supplies for commerce.  The bioengineered floating islands exude calcareous shell-like forms that make up the islands' structure and superstructure.  The pens in which fish are raised are created by bioengineered salps that have large transparent membranes permitting sunligh

Mega-Float This Wikipedia article documents the Mega-Float concept which has similarities to the SDFA concept in my book.  The Mega-Float people apparently did not assess the internal volume of the Mega-Float which is huge by the way.  When I put together the SDFA concept I realized that there would be an enormous interior volume that could be put to use for warehousing, apartments, businesses, etc.

SDFA Composite Art Rendering

The artistic rendering makes use of floating supports that rely on the spar buoy effect to absorb wave energy and avoid motion induced into the airport.  Neither aircraft or inhabitants would be tolerant of discernible movement.

Proposed Floating Airport Projects

An online article that talked about proposed projects for floating airports with an embedded audio of a review of a magazine article about floating airports.  The article was produced before global warming and sea-level rise had gotten to the critical point it is today.

San Diego Floating Airport Series

This extensively researched science fiction novel, book 1 of a 5 book series, was instigated when the author read a news article re: San Diego's Airport Board spending $1.1B in site studies with no results of a viable site to put a much needed new airport in San Diego County.  When the author researched further he found that a floating airport concept was put forth by three highly regarded academicians from UCSD Scripps Institute of Oceanography and the Jacob School of Engineering, and was blatantly disregarded by the airport board.  To instigate further discussion and interest in the floating airport concept the author wrote this SciFi series.